Curriculum Vitae

Luis Filipe Lourenço Bernardo

Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Computers

Personal data

Birth date: 15 October 1968

Nationality: portuguese

    Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
    2829-516 Caparica

Telephone: +351 212949646

Fax: +351 212948532



Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Computers by the Superior Technical Institute of the Technical University of Lisbon (IST/UTL) in 2002. The thesis theme was "A system for millions of active users with correlated traffic patterns". 

Master in Electrical Engineering and Computers by the Superior Technical Institute of the Technical University of Lisbon (IST/UTL) with A classification (1994). The thesis theme was "Specification and Synchronization of Multimedia Applications with Distributed Control". 

Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers at Superior Technical Institute of the Technical University of Lisbon (IST/UTL) in 1991 with A classification (18 in the scale of 20).


Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL) since April 1999. Teaching assistant at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL) from April 1999 until October 2002. Teaching assistant at Instituto Superior Técnico of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST/UTL) from September 1991 until April 1999. Taught in the subjects: Signal Analysis (basic mathematics for signal analysis), Telecommunications Systems (lower OSI layers below transport), Data Transmission Protocols (OSI layers above transport, data compression, MPEG, JPEG, audio coding, electronic mail, directory service, etc), Distributed Systems (CORBA, etc), and security protocols.

Researcher at UNINOVA since October 1999. He is responsible for project MPSAT (2010-2013), which is developing multipacket reception wireless systems adapted for satellite networks. Researcher at INESC (Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering) from September of 1991 until September 1999, where he participated in the development of TPH28 and on the Eurescom project EMMA. The TPH28 is a program to interface public switched network databases using the CEPT protocol tph28 over X.25 networks. The EMMA project consisted in the evaluation of the performance of the European ATM pilot network with Multimedia applications (videoconference, CSCW, etc). The participation in the EMMA project included the development of a multimedia distributed platform, DIMPLE, suitable for supporting shared multimedia applications. DIMPLE was integrated with an off-the-shelf videoconference system (Berkom). Undergraduate Researcher at INESC between 1988 and 1990 where he worked in the development of access control hardware (based on 80535).

Member of IEEE, ACM and the portuguese Ordem dos Engenheiros.

Participation in Research Projects


MPSAT - Multi-Packet Detection Techniques for Satellite Networks
Reference: PTDC/EEA-TEL/099074/2008
Year of participation: 2010-2013
Institution: UNINOVA (Project Coordinator)
Project Partners: UNINOVA (PT), IT-Lisboa (PT), INESC-Lisboa (PT)

SIGAPANO - Sensor Information Gathering with Patrol Nodes
Reference: POSC/EIA/62199/2004
Year of participation: 2005-2007
Institution: UNINOVA (Coordinator of the Uninova team)
Project Partners: LIACC (PT), UNINOVA (PT)


OPPORTUNISTIC-CR - Opportunistic Aggregation of Spectrum and Cognitive Ra- dios: Consequences on Public Policies
Reference: PTDC/EEA-TEL/115981/2009
Year of participation: 2010-2013
Institution: UNINOVA
Project Partners: UNINOVA (PT), IT-Covilhã (PT)

U-BOAT - Ultra-Wide Band Transmission for Ad Hoc Networks
Reference: PTDC/EEA-TEL/67066/2006
Year of participation: 2008-2010
Institution: UNINOVA
Project Partners: Instituto Superior Técnico (PT), UNINOVA (PT), Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (PT)

Paradigmas e Conceitos para Redes de milhões de usuários
Reference: ICCTI-CAPES Portugal-Brazil cooperation project
Year of participation: 1998-2000
Institution: INESC-Lisboa (PT)
Project Partners: UFPE - Univ. Federal of Pernanbuco (BR), INESC-Lisboa (PT)

USATM - Using ATM technology for Multimedia Applications
Reference: PRAXIS XXI 2/2.1/TIT/1633/95
Year of participation: 1997-2000
Institution: INESC-Lisboa (PT)
Project Partners: INESC-Lisboa (PT)

ATLANTIS - ATM em Ambientes Locais
Reference: PEDIP
Year of participation: 1996-1999
nstitution: INESC-Lisboa (PT)
Project Partners: EFACEC (PT), INESC-Lisboa (PT)

EMMA - European Multimedia Experiments in an ATM Environment
Reference: EURESCOM - P460-SI
Year of participation: 1994-1995
Institution: INESC-Lisboa (PT)
Project Partners: INESC-Lisboa (PT, subcontracted by CPRM, today part of Portugal telecom), GMD Fokus (DE), etc.


English: Read, write and speak - good

Research interests

MAC protocols for wireless systems, Wireless Systems with Multipacket Reception, Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Network protocols, Routing protocols, Quality of Service.