(Publicações de Paulo Pinto)
Last update: January 2014
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Journal Papers / Artigos
Chapters / Capítulos de Livro
Conference Papers /
Presentations / Apresentações
Technical Reports /
Relatórios Técnicos
Theses / Teses
Multipacket Detection: A High Throughput Technique for SC-FDE
R. Dinis, P. Carvalho, L. Bernardo, R. Oliveira, M. Pereira
and P. Pinto
IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp.
3798-3807, Jul. 2009.
influence of Broadcast Traffic on IEEE 802.11 DCF Networks
R. Oliveira, L. Bernardo and P. Pinto
Computer Communications, Vol. 32 no. 2, pp. 439-452, February
Impact of Next-Generation Wireless Networks Requirements on
Teletraffic Modeling
Nelson Antunes, Rui Rocha, Paulo Pinto e António Pacheco
4th IEEE Int´l Symposium on Internetworking
Julho 1998, Ottawa, Canadá
published in the journal
Interoperable Communication Network, Vol 1 (1998), nº
2-4, Ed. S. Rao, ISSN: 1385-9501, pp. 706-715, Baltzer Science
Publishers, July 1998.
for Resources in MANETs - A Cluster Based Flooding Approach
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, ICETE 2005
Selected Papers
Eds.: Joaquim Filipe; Helder Coelhas; Monica Saramago
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-75992-8, pp. 236-245, 2007.
decentralized Location service Applying P2P technology for picking
replicas on replicated services
(best papers from ICETE'04)
Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
e-Business and Telecommunication Networks, Ascenso, J.; Vasiu,
L.; Belo, C.; Saramago, M. (Eds.), Springer, ISBN: 1-4020-4760-6,
pp. 55-63, June 2006.
per useful packet optimization on a TDMA WSN channel
F. Ganhão, M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira and P.
IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks (ICCCN'10),
Zurich, Switzerland, Ago. 2-5 2010.
comparison of diversity combining ARQ error control schemes with
multi-packet detection schemes
M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira and P. Pinto
IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks (ICCCN'10),
Zurich, Switzerland, Ago. 2-5 2010.
of packet combining ARQ error control in a TDMA SC-FDE system
M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira, P. Carvalho and P.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'10),
Sydney, Australia, Apr. 18-21 2010.
optimization on a p-persistent MAC protocol for a multi-packet
detection in SC-FDE system
M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira, P. Carvalho and P.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'10),
Sydney, Australia, Apr. 18-21 2010.
Impact of Node's Mobility on Link-detection based on Routing Hello
R. Oliveira, M. Luis, L. Bernardo, P. Pinto and R. Dinis
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'10),
Sydney, Australia, Apr. 18-21 2010.
MAC protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks with bursty traffic
L. Bernardo, H. Água, M. Pereira, R. Oliveira, R. Dinis and P. Pinto
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'10),
Sydney, Australia, Apr. 18-21 2010.
topology control and routing in ad hoc vehicular networks
M. Luis, R. Oliveira, L. Bernardo, A. Garrido and P. Pinto
16th European Wireless Conference (EW'10),
Lucca, Italy, Apr. 12-15 2010.
Routing Performance in High Mobility and High Density ad hoc Vehicular
M. Luis, R. Oliveira, L. Bernardo, and P. Pinto
33rd IEEE Sarnoff
Symposium 2010, Princeton, USA, Apr. 12-14 2010.
Topology-based Routing in High Mobility VANETs
M. Luis, R. Oliveira, L. Bernardo, and P. Pinto
Poster at 33rd IEEE Sarnoff
Symposium 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5593-5, Princeton, USA, Apr. 12-14
analysis for TDMA schemes with packet recombining
M. Pereira, L. Bernardo, R. Dinis, R. Oliveira, P. Carvalho and P.
Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems
Caparica, Portugal, Feb. 22-24 2010.
multi-region routing at inter-domain level
P. Amaral, F. Ganhão, C.
Assunção, L. Bernardo and P. Pinto
44th IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom’09),
Honolulu, USA, Nov. 30-Dec. 4 2009.
de topologia de redes ad hoc veiculares em cenários de Auto-estradas
student paper)
M. Luis, R. Oliveira, L.
Bernardo and P. Pinto
9ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC'09),
Oeiras, Portugal, 15-16 Oct. 2009.
de protocolos distribuidos de acesso ao meio baseados em heuristicas
L. Lopes, R. Oliveira, L.
Bernardo and P. Pinto
9ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores
Oeiras, Portugal, 15-16 Oct. 2009.
An Architecture for Inter-domain Routing
Pedro Amaral, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
IEEE 44th International
Conference on Communications (ICC’09)
Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009.
MAC Protocol for Half-Duplex Multi-Packet Detection in SC-FDE
Miguel Pereira, Luis Bernardo, Rui Dinis,
Rodolfo Oliveira, Paulo Carvalho, Paulo Pinto
IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’09-Spring)
Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 April
Optimization for Half-Duplex Multi-Packet Detection in SC-FDE
Saturated Systems
Miguel Pereira, Luis Bernardo, Rui Dinis,
Rodolfo Oliveira, Paulo Carvalho, Paulo Pinto
IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing and Networks (PDCN’09)
Innsbruck, Austria, 16-18 February 2009.
using Topology Information
Pedro Amaral, Luis
Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
ACM CoNEXT 2008 Student Workshop, ISBN:
Madrid, Spain, December 9-12, 2008.
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis
Bernardo, Paulo Pinto, Iordanis Koutsopoulos
Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
2008 (ISWCS'2008),
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2489-4
Reykjavik, Iceland, October 21-24,
fair throughput in multi-rate random access wireless networks
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo,
Paulo Pinto
Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
2008 (ISWCS'2008), ISBN:
Reykjavik, Iceland, October 21-24, 2008.
Load-adaptive Timeout for Beaconing-based Link Protocols in Ad Hoc
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto, Rui Dinis
European Wireless Conference 2008 (EW'2008)
Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-25, 2008.
Multipacket Detection: A High Throughput Technique for SC-FDE Systems
Rui Dinis, Paulo Carvalho, Luis
Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Marco Serrazina, Paulo Pinto
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'07)
Washington, USA, November 26-30, 2007.
Simple Inter-Domain QoS Signaling Protocol
Paulo Pinto, António Santos, Pedro Amaral,
Luis Bernardo
IEEE 2007 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM'07)
ISBN: 1-4244-1513-6
Orlando, USA, October 29-31, 2007.
Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol for Bursty Data Traffic
Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Miguel
Pereira, Mário Macedo, Paulo Pinto
18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and
Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07),
ISBN: 1-4244-1144-0.
Athens, Greece, September 3-7, 2007.
IEEE 802.11 Delay Analysis for
Multirate Variable Frame Length
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo
18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and
Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07),
ISBN: 1-4244-1144-0.
Athens, Greece, September 3-7, 2007.
Fire Monitoring Application for Scattered Wireless Sensor Networks: A
peer-to-peer cross-layering approach
Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Ricardo
Tiago, Paulo Pinto
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(part of ICETE'07),
pp. 189-196
ISBN: 978-989-8111-15-9.
Barcelona, Spain, July 28-31, 2007.
Delay on IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol for Unicast and Broadcast
Non-saturated Traffic
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'07)
Hong Kong, March 11-15,
Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function with
unicast and broadcast traffic
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo
17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and
Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'06)
Helsinki, Finland, September 11-14, 2006.
Telephony Application for MANETs: Voice over a MANET-extended JXTA
Virtual Overlay Network
(selected for best papers list)
Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Sérgio
Gaspar, David Paulino, Paulo Pinto
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(part of ICETE'06),
ISBN: 972-8865-65-1, pp.227-233.
Setúbal, Portugal, August 2006.
for resources in MANETS: a cluster based flooding approach
(~118KB pdf) (selected
for best papers list)
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
2nd International Conference on E-business and Telecommunication Networks
(ICETE'05), pp.
ISBN: 972-8865-33-3.
Reading, UK, October 3-7, 2005.
Searching for PI
resources on MANETs using JXTA
(~84KB pdf)
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Nelson Ruivo, Paulo Pinto
Service Assurance with Partial and Intermittent Resources Conference (SAPIR'05),
Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service Assurance
with Partial and Intermittent Resources Conference/E-Learning on
Telecommunications Workshop (AICT/SAPIR/ELETE'05),
pp.371-376, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2388-0;
DOI: 10.1109/AICT.2005.80.
Lisbon, Portugal, 17-20 July 2005.
Managing Pi-resources
in 4G Wireless Systems: the Opportunistic Way
(~227KB pdf)
Pedro Sobral, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Service Assurance with Partial and Intermittent Resources Conference (SAPIR'05),
Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service Assurance
with Partial and Intermittent Resources Conference/E-Learning on
Telecommunications Workshop (AICT/SAPIR/ELETE'05),
pp.364-370, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 0-7695-2388-0;
DOI: 10.1109/AICT.2005.57.
Lisbon, Portugal, 17-20 July, 2005.
Flooding Techniques for
Resource Discovery on High Mobility MANETs
(~2MB pdf)
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks 2005 (IWWAN'05)
London, UK, 23-26 May 2005.
The Networking Area of the
Telecommunication Group at the New University of Lisbon
(~42KB pdf)
Paulo Pinto, Luís Bernardo
5th Conference on Telecommunications (ConfTele'05)
ISBN: 972-98115-9-8.
Tomar, Portugal, 6-8th April 2005.
UMTS-WLAN Service integration
at core network level
(~142KB pdf) (selected for plenary
Paulo Pinto, Luis Bernardo, Pedro Sobral
3rd European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'2004)
SpringerVerlag LNCS Vol 3262, Oct 2004, pp.29-39
ISBN: 3-540-23551-5, DOI:
Porto, Portugal, 25-27th October 2004.
A decentralized Location
service Applying P2P technology for picking replicas on replicated
(~248Kb pdf) (selected for
best papers list)
Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
1st International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication
Networks (ICETE'2004),
Vol.1, pp.39-47.
ISBN: 972-8865-15-5.
Setúbal, Portugal, 25-28th August 2004.
Service Integration Between
Wireless Systems: A core-level approach to internetworking
(~136Kb pdf) (selected for
best papers list)
Paulo Pinto, Luis Bernardo, Pedro Sobral
1st International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication
Networks (ICETE'2004),
Vol.3, pp.127-134.
ISBN: 972-8865-15-5.
Setúbal, Portugal, 25-28th August 2004.
Service Level Management of Differentiated Services Networks with
Active Policies
(~110Kb pdf)
Paulo Pereira, Djamel Sadok, Paulo Pinto
3rd Conference on Telecommunications (ConfTele'2001),
ISBN: 972-98115-2-0 (Book), 972-98115-3-9 (CDROM).
Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 23-24th April 2001.
Service Management for Differentiated Services Networks
Elionildo Menezes, Djamel Sadok, Judith Kelner, Paulo Pereira, Paulo Pinto
IEEE Workshop on IP-Oriented Operations & Management (IPOM'2000),
ISBN: 83-88309-00-5.
Cracow, Poland, 4-6th September 2000.
Management of Differentiated Services with Active Policies
abstract in pdf)
(~175Kb zip
with 12-page and 1-page pdf versions of presented poster)
Paulo Pereira, Elionildo Menezes, Djamel Sadok, Paulo Pinto
4th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering
(POSTER'2000), pp.C-13.
Prague, Czech Republic, 25th May 2000.
Algorithms and Contracts for Network and Systems Management
(~148Kb pdf)
Paulo Pereira, Paulo Pinto
1st IEEE Latin American Network Operations and Management
Symposium (LANOMS'99),
ISBN: 85-900382-3-8.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5 de Dezembro de 1999.
de Redes e Sistemas por Scripts (in portuguese)
(~120Kb zip
com pdf)
Paulo Pereira, Pedro Pessoa, Luís Agostinho, Paulo Pinto
2a Conferência Nacional de Redes de Computadores (CRC'99)
Évora, Portugal, 18-19 de Outubro de 1999.
A Scalable Location Service
Supporting Overload Situations (Abstract)
Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Third International Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence in Distributed Information Networking (AiDIN'99),
Papers from the AAAI Workshop, WS-99-03, AAAI Press, ISBN:1-57735-087-1,
pp. 51-56
Orlando, USA, July 18th, 1999.
Sistemas que suportem milhões de utilizadores activos e padrões
correlacionados de tráfego
Paulo Pinto e Luís Bernardo
Tutorial na SBMIDIA'99, V Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e
Hipermídia, Goiânia, Brasil, Junho 1999.
Scalability Issues in
Telecommunication Services (Abstract)
Luís Bernardo, Daniel Crespo, António Marques, Paulo Pinto
2nd Conference on
Telecommunications (ConfTele'99), ISBN:972-98115-0-4, pp. 409-413
Sesimbra, Portugal, April 15th - 16th, 1999.
A Scalable Location Service with
Fast Update Response (Abstract)
Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
IEEE Globecom'98,
ISBN:0-7803-4984-9, pp. 2876-2881
Sydney, Australia, November 8 th - 12th, 1998. DOI:
Scalable Service Deployment using
Mobile Agents (Abstract)(Slides)
Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Workshop on Mobile Agents (MA'98), Springer-Verlag
Vol. 1477, Ed. K. Rothermel, F. Hohl, ISBN:3-540-64959-X, pp.261-272
Stuttgart, Germany, September 9 th - 11th, 1998.
DOI: 10.1007/BFb0057642
Scalable Service Deployment on
Highly Populated Networks (Abstract)(Slides)
Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Agents for Telecommunication Applications'98 (IATA'98) Workshop, Springer-Verlag
Vol.1437, Ed. S. Albayrak, F. Garijo, ISBN:3-540-64720-1, pp.29-44
Paris, July 3rd - 7th, 1998.
DOI: 10.1007/BFb0053939
QoS Control: an Application Integrated Framework (pdf)
João Bom, Paulo Marques, Miguel Correia e Paulo Pinto
1st IEEE Int´l Conference on ATM (ICATM´98), ISBN:0-7803-4983-0, IEEE, pp.
June 1998, Colmar, França
An Architecture for Dynamic Multimedia QoS Control
João Bom, Paulo Marques, Miguel Correia e Paulo Pinto
7th IFIP/ICCC Conf. on Information Networks and Data Applications
Ed. F. Ramos, J. Sousa Pinto, J. Ruela, ISBN: 1-891365-03-7, ICCC Press,
June 1998, Aveiro, Portugal
Integrated Dynamic QoS Control for Multimedia Applications
João Bom, Paulo Marques, Miguel Correia e Paulo Pinto
Int´l Symposium SYBEN 98, Broadband Networks and Multimedia Systems
May 1998, Zurich, Suiça
Distributed Multimedia: is there a place for it? (gz)
Paulo Pinto
XXIII SEMISH (Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware), pp. 23-32
August 1996, Recife, Brasil
Distributed Objects: an approach to
sharing multimedia information
Paulo Pinto, Luís Bernardo
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Distributed Platforms'96, pp.
Dresden, March 1996.
Low-Level Multimedia Synchronization Algorithms on Broadband Networks
(gz) (zip)
Miguel Correia, Paulo Pinto
ACM Multimedia 95
ISBN: 0-89791-751-0, ACM Press, pp. 423-434
November 1995, S. Francisco, USA
Sharing Multimedia Information: a
basis for assisted remote training
Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Broadband Islands '95, Ed. F. Williams, H. Brake and J. Nolan, pp.
183-196, Dublin, September 1995.
A Constructive Type Schema for
Distributed Multimedia Applications
Paulo Pinto, Luís Bernardo, Paulo Pereira
Broadband Islands '94, Ed. W. Bauerfeld, O. Spaniol and F. Williams,
ISBN:0-444-81905-3, Elsevier Science B. V., pp. 419-434
Hamburg, June 1994.
AS-Level Multipath Routing Architecture
Amaral, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Porto, Portugal, 1 Julho 2011.
Path Duration in High Mobility Vehicular ad-hoc Networks
Luís, Rodolfo
Oliveira, Luis
Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Aveiro, Portugal, 2 Julho 2010.
Transmission power optimization on a TDMA WSN channel
Ganhão, Miguel Pereira, Luis Bernardo, Rui Dinis, Rodolfo Oliveira,
Paulo Pinto
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Coimbra, Portugal, 5 Março 2010.
Aplicação de Técnicas Max‐Weight para Aumento de Débito em Redes
Locais Sem Fios
Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto, Iordanis Koutsopoulos
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Covilhã, Portugal, 13 Fevereiro 2009.
A MAC Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with Bursty Traffic
Água, Miguel Pereira, Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Rui Dinis,
Paulo Pinto
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Caparica, Portugal, 12 Junho 2008.
A Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol for Bursty Data Traffic and Its Use in
a Fire Monitoring Application
Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Miguel Pereira, Ricardo Tiago, Miguel
Silva, Mário Macedo, Paulo Pinto, João Barros
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Porto Salvo, Portugal, 28 November 2007.
IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol to study, the Unicast and Broadcast traffic
influence on network’s performance
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo,
Paulo Pinto
Seminário da RTCM (Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis)
Aveiro, Portugal, 16 February 2007.
an Inter-domain Reachability Architecture Technical Report
Pedro Amaral, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2008-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, September 2008.
A Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol for Bursty Data Traffic (pdf)(375K)
Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Miguel Pereira, Mário Macedo, Paulo Pinto
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2007-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, March 2007.
Continuity between WLAN and Cellular Networks: Performance of the TCP
Dynamics on Handovers (pdf)(263K)
Pedro Sobral, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2006-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, December 2006.
Searching for resources in MANETs: Improving flooding efficiency in
802.11 (pdf)(184K)
Rodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2005-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, March 2005.
Seamless Continuity of PS-Services in WLAN/3G Interworking (pdf)(157K)
Paulo Pinto, Luis Bernardo, Pedro Sobral
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2004-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, December 2004.
Scalability of applications on active overlay networks with dynamic
server deployment (pdf)(368K)
Luis Bernardo, Paulo Pinto
Telecommunications Section Internal Report TR-2003-01
Tele - DEE - FCT/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, February 2003.
An Interaction Model for Multimedia Composition
Paulo Pinto
Tese de Doutoramento (PhD Thesis)
University of Kent at Canterbury, 1993.